After six months of broken "English" and communicating via Not American Sign Language, it was wonderful to have an English-speaking buddy (with a cute little accent to boot) visit for the weekend.
Claire, a lovely little lady we met at church in Switzerland, hadn't ever traveled in Italy so we had a blast showing this noob the ropes in Padova and Venice. We ate our way through the weekend with seemingly endless amounts of tasty Italian cibo - pizza, pasta, prosecco (my personal fav) and gelato.
We spent Saturday afternoon wandering the streets of Venice, feeding the pigeons and snapping bunches of silly pictures.
While Andy was prepping for his final match of the season on Sunday, Claire and I took to the streets for an afternoon in Padova.
Upon making our way into town, we saw groups upon groups of what we guessed were Sunday schoolers walking with their palm branches toward the central piazza. Curious and having no better way to spend our time, we followed and stumbled upon an enormous Palm Sunday worship service. The square was packed with people of all ages shouting out and praising God - it was incredible!
We left the party and headed toward Prato della Valle and St. Anthony's church. Spring was in the air and we couldn't have been more happy once the sun decided to come out.
It was a great way to spend our last weekend in Italy. Thanks to Claire for enduring the 5+ hour (each way) train ride to come all the way from Lausanne. Same time next year?!
on to the next one...