I was just warming up - or in this case, cooling down - to the fact that it's officially Fall. Halloween decorations are out in the stores, I'm accosted by pumpkin recipes and DIY costume ideas whenever I sign into Pinterest, and the sweet scent of the "Sugared Cinnamon" candle my mom thoughtfully added to this week's package is filling our apartment.
In last night's pre-sleep prayer, Andy and I thanked our Father for the changing of seasons. For a fresh start every few months and for a chance to make new memories with each new season. And though I've come to accept that it is Fall and am eternally grateful to live in a place where we get to celebrate these quarterly changes, I was in no way prepared to wake up to this...
Yep. Snow. And 6 inches of it, to boot. Weather.com informs me that by Sunday we should be back in the 60s with partly cloudy skies. Here's hoping. Happy (freaky) Friday.
In last night's pre-sleep prayer, Andy and I thanked our Father for the changing of seasons. For a fresh start every few months and for a chance to make new memories with each new season. And though I've come to accept that it is Fall and am eternally grateful to live in a place where we get to celebrate these quarterly changes, I was in no way prepared to wake up to this...
Yep. Snow. And 6 inches of it, to boot. Weather.com informs me that by Sunday we should be back in the 60s with partly cloudy skies. Here's hoping. Happy (freaky) Friday.
